This Lifelong Learning Course is a two-class course dedicated to learning the essentials on your digital camera and how to get the best use out of it. Jens Nielsen, Owner of Pictureline, will be teaching the two courses.
Are you ready
to break out of auto mode on your digital camera? Join Jens Nielsen to decode the mysteries of digital cameras in a friendly and fun way as we see how to make properly exposed and focused images, identify and select white balance settings appropriate to the subject, and figure out how the focal length of lenses affects final images. You'll also create a set of reference images that demonstrate the workings of various controls on your camera. Please bring your DSLR camera and manual to class; post-it flags and/or a highlighter to annotate your manual are also recommended. We will be covering the following topics:
- Exposure and Focusing Modes
- White Balance Settings
- Varying Focal Length of Lenses
- Various Controls on your Camera
We look forward to working with students of Lifelong Learning Education and teaching more about the art of photography! A DSLR camera is required for this class.