Unfolding Truth - Documentary Project Fund Reception (March 8th)


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March 8th
George S. & Dolores Doré Eccles Gallery
1575 S. State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84115


Unfolding Truth

Photographs by TheDocumentaryProjectFund Awardees 2012-2015 


This unique exhibit will be available to view March 8th - April 11th, 2016. The gallery is open Monday - Friday, 7a.m. - 10p.m. The DocumentaryProjectFund will begin this exhibit on March 8th by hosting a reception and panel discussion with awardees, Kim Raff, Theo Strommer, and Preston Gannaway.

Please enter the gallery from the east entrance of Salt Lake Community College South City Campus, Center for Arts & Media.

This exhibit is made possible by Salt Lake Community College’s A & C Events,  Digital Silver Imaging, and Hahnemühle USA.