The Photoflex StarLite DSLR/HD Video Kit includes tungsten or compact fluorescent daylight balanced lamp for shooting in various lighting conditions. The 24 x 32 inch size of the SilverDome medium makes it ideal as a light source for small products, interviews, portraits and editorial shooting.
Brightness of a CoolStar fluorescent is equivalent to 450-500w tungsten light or 8000 Lumens.
Still Scenario: CoolStar 150 CFL in SilverDome® nxt: medium soft box (at 5 feet) with single layer diffusion:
ISO 200
1/30 sec.
Video Scenario: CoolStar 150 CFL in SilverDome® nxt: medium soft box (at 3 feet) with single layer diffusion:
f6.8 @ 125 shutter speed @ low gain
f3.1 @ 180 shutter speed @ low gain
f2.8 @ 250 shutter speed @ low gain