
June 16th

305 West 700 South,
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Join Profoto representative Rose Whitaker at Pictureline on June 16th from 10am - 2pm to learn all about the innovative gear that will keep your photography on the cutting edge.
With the fast flash durations Profoto is known for, combined with their state of the art TTL remotes providing you with High Speed Sync and Freeze Modes, the Profoto lineup can help you achieve anything you can imagine! Rose will focus primarily on the Profoto B1X, B2 and the NEW A1.
Don’t forget to bring your camera!
When you attend this event and purchase a B1X kit, you’ll receive a Profoto Air Remote of your choice FREE (valued at $495)*. And, all Profoto modifiers will have a 10% discount for attendees*!
If you need to upgrade your studio lights, if you need battery operated lights for shooting on-location, HSS for shots in the bright sun, or a perfect portable flash for events, then come to pictureline and see for yourself why Profoto is the best in the business!
For those who are wanting to attend a more in-depth class on Using Off Camera Flash with Natural Light Portraits, you will learn how to take advantage of any type of lighting, whether dark and sparse, or light and bright. This class will be from 10:30-12:00, so you can attend both the class and visit with Rose afterward to get all the info you need to become a master of lighting.
*This offer is valid from June 16th to June 23rd