Wasatch Camera Club Competition Meeting (March 17th)



March, 17th
305 W 700 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84101


Second 2016 Wasatch Camera Club Competition

Assigned Theme: Mirrorage - Reflections and Reverberations
Deep reflections that draw you in act as mirrors but are also mirages. Reality is imperfectly reflected and what we see in the reflection is a shimmering reverberation of the ‘real’ world.

Submissions open on Valentines Day - Sunday, February 14th & close Sunday, February 28, at midnight.

Wasatch Camera Club will continue with their new approach to our themes this year. Find more information and a full list on their website.

Competition and critiques are a very effective way of improving your photography. (There is an article regarding the benefits on the club president's blog.)  You are strongly encouraged to take part and if you need additional information you will find it here.

In an effort to make sure everyone gets one or two of their images critiqued, we require you to choose only two of your submissions to be critiqued. How do you do this? Simply uncheck the Critique box on all but two images when you submit them. NOTE: If you have more than two images, we'll have to deselect your images until we reach the limit. Our choices may not be the ones you'd prefer.